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The dangers that doctors do not tell you about fibroids and minimally invasive surgeries. What you should know.

December 07, 2020

Lindi Skin

Morcellation can be a Deadly Surgical Procedure


LMS Direct Research (http://www.lmsdr.org/uterinemorcellation.php)

Routine “standard of care” minimally invasive morcellation surgery for “presumed fibroids” may upstage ULMS from stage 1, with a possible cure, to an automatic deadly ULMS stage 4. LMSdr is committed to halt this faulty practice. Please help us with your voice against this unethical practice! Together we are stronger and can change the world for the better.

Read the ESUN article: Are Routine, Minimally Invasive Surgeries for Fibroids Safe? What you can do to help: 1. Sign the petition: at www.change.org : Women’s health alert. Stop morcellation. 2. Contact your Senator to request a Congressional hearing to help halt faulty morcellation practice. Here is a link where you can find your Senator’s full contact info: Senate Information You can modify this sample letter and send it to your Senator. 3. If you or a family member have personally been affected, it is imperative that we ground this deadly surgical procedure: a. File a complaint with the FDA immediately, if a laparoscopic or robotic hysterectomy was performed: FDA information b. Contact your local paper about faulty medical morcellation practice and consider sharing your story to be published. Media links to learn more about the Morcellation Campaign:

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