Our Story
The creation of Lindi Skin started with my experience watching friends go through cancer treatment. They expected the nausea, fatigue and hair loss associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but they were not aware of the impact that these therapies would have on their skin. In discovering there was not one line of skin care products specifically developed for people with cancer, it occurred to me that someone had to create one. And that person ended up being me.
In formulating Lindi Skin products, we aligned with dermatologists, oncologists, nurses, patients and skincare formulators to create products that can treat even the most sensitive of skin. Our formulas are unique, gentle, and soothing. We use the finest ingredients for the ultimate hydration.
We are excited to offer the rejuvenating power of our products to everyone. Our products, elegant and luxurious, are intended to help you look and feel incredible.
- Lindy Snider, Founder & CEO
Our Pledge
We have donated over 800,000 products to non-profit cancer organizations, hospitals and caregivers.
We see giving as one of the key foundations of our business. Giving products that can help you help yourself. Giving products to cancer support organizations nationwide. Giving healthcare professionals the resources they need. We are committed to helping in any way we can.
And we are always looking for opportunities to work with others dedicated to helping people battle cancer.
Do you know a charity or non-profit that might be interested in working with Lindi Skin to raise funds? Lindi Skin's Charitable Fundraising Program offers a simple, effective way for like-minded cancer charities to raise funds while helping to spread valuable information.
Please send an email to charity@LindiSkin.com to introduce us to your charity.
Our Shield
The concept of a shield is a simple one. A shield protects you during a battle. No symbol could be more appropriate for Lindi Skin, as we do our best to arm our users with the best tools to protect themselves as they battle cancer. The Lindi Skin Shield also has 4 symbols, representing Life, Hope, Longevity, and Purity.

Life – The pinecone is the symbol of life. A pinecone must fall to the ground in order to ultimately create new life, a rebirth.
Longevity – The oak leaf is a very old motif that symbolizes great age. Certain oak species do not even bear acorns until they are 50 years old.
Hope – The star is the enduring symbol of hope. We wish upon a star from the earliest childhood, because it reflects the infinite possibilities that life holds. |
Purity – The French symbol of purity, the fleur-de-lis represents our fundamental desire to seek out the authentic and pure in our quest for good health. |