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Why does Lindi Skin contain fragrances?

December 01, 2021

Fragrance is one of the key decisions to be made when creating any skincare products, and our team of doctors, formulators and skincare experts created our formulas with very explicit instructions to design the products without any unnecessary fragrances, dyes, or ingredients. 


However, the key word here is “unnecessary”.  One key principle of skincare design is called “adherence” - whether or not people will use the product regularly.   Skincare can only help people if they actually use it (“adhere” to a regular schedule of use) and part of adherence is a pleasant overall experience.  This includes fragrance, texture, color, etc. 


Lindi Skin contains dozens of natural ingredients and botanicals that – in some cases – naturally carry an unpleasant odor.  For example, one of our amazing ingredients, astaxanthin, is an antioxidant far superior to Vitamins E or C, but it comes from Krill Oil (a sea based organism) and frankly, it smells like low tide.   In the unscented versions, krill oil is the prominent odor, so we had to address it. 


While designing Lindi Skin, our Medical Advisory Board performed focus group testing with dozens of cancer patients to gain feedback on how to best balance the goal of avoiding unnecessary ingredients with the need to create a product people would love.   The unscented versions did NOT test well.  No one wants to rub shrimp-scented lotion on their skin every day.   Instead, our team of doctors and formulators found subtle masking fragrances that would be extremely inert and hypo-allergenic.  Not all fragrances are the same and – again through extensive testing – they identified fragrances that resulted in NO adverse effects on subjects during RIPT testing (industry standard testing on human subjects – never on animals!).


In the end, we fully understand everyone’s initial desire to avoid unnecessary fragrances, and we know that some skincare lines pile on perfumes and dyes that can adversely affect the skin.  In our case, you can be confident that the issue of fragrance has been thoroughly addressed and Lindi Skin’s products offer what we like to consider an excellent balance of “just enough” inert fragrance to assure they are pleasant to use without the risk of irritation. 

After 18 years and tens of thousands of happy users reporting great results with no irritation - we feel confident that we found that balance.  

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